How to Raise Your Energy When Feeling Deflated

Women jumping with green fabric

Working for yourself is never something that will continually feel great and it isn’t a journey that travels in a straight line. There will be times when you feel your energy dop and you end up feeling deflated – and that’s ok. In fact, it’s perfectly normal! However, if you want to move forward and feel better, you need to be able to raise your energy when you’re feeling deflated. This will help you open up to the possibilities around you, boost your confidence and motivate you to move forward.

But how exactly can you raise your energy when you’re feeling deflated?

There are things you can do to naturally raise your energy and your mood, so you can turn the situation around and be back, firing on all cylinders. Here’s a quick rundown of your options.

Visualise what you want

Visualisation is a powerful tool available to everyone. The key to doing it well is to really get behind what you’re visualising. Incorporate your other senses, really step into your vision and get excited about it. Then write down what you see, so you can remember it for next time – because if you want to benefit from visualisation, you need to do it often.

“Trust your journey, trust the process, raise your energy and the right people will come into your life”.

Steven Aitchison

Choose your words carefully

When you’re feeling deflated it’s easy to use terminology that keeps you there. Statements of fact, such as ‘I’m demotivated’, ‘I’m tired’ and ‘I’m fed up’ are ok to express how you’re currently feeling, but they’re not going to help you raise that energy again. Instead, look to change the statements to ‘I’m choosing to feel…’ and see how that shifts how you’re feeling. Your words are powerful, so pay attention to how they’re affecting your energy and your mood.

Take yourself up the emotional scale

The emotional scale is a range of emotional states we experience, from negative to positive. Originally brought to us by Esther and Jerry Hicks during their teachings through ‘Abraham-Hicks’, it helps you see where you currently are emotionally, and what feelings can help you move your emotions and energies up to a more positive level. Gabrielle Bernstein explains how to use it beautifully, in her book and this article.

Have a timeout

If you’re feeling deflated and low on energy, you may just need to walk away from what you’re doing for a while. Switch your focus onto something else, start a new project or task and give yourself a timeout from the source of those deflated feelings.

Go outside

Nature has a wonderful way of helping us put things in perspective. Going outside and standing with our feet on the ground can help us reconnect with ourselves, ground our energy and get recentred. It’s a great way to energise yourself too, especially when you take the time to focus on the natural world around you.

Journal your thoughts and feelings

Sometimes, you just need to get those thoughts and feelings out of your mind and onto paper. The physical act of writing them down can help you come up with solutions that will help turn them around. It’s also a great way to get clear on what you’re feeling, because sometimes we can feel deflated and low on energy, with no idea why.

Get enough sleep

Finally, ensure you’re always adequately resting your body. Sleep is a crucial part of your self-care regime and if you’re not getting enough of it, you can feel deflated and low in energy. Don’t be afraid to go and have an afternoon nap if you need it, it could be just what you need, to feel motivated and energised again!

Working for yourself is never something that will continually feel great and it isn’t a journey that travels in a straight line. There will be times when you feel your energy dop and you end up feeling deflated – but if you use the tips above, you’ll be able to turn it around, whenever you’re ready.

Catalyst for Change is my 6-week course which will help you understand your values, your vision , and the issues you need to focus on to gain business momentum.  You’ll identify any blocks that are holding you back and learn techniques to help you banish them for good!  You’ll come away at the end of the 6 weeks with more balance, more clarity and ready to take action. You can find more information here

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

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Imposter syndrome, if you’ve ever suffered from it, you’re not alone. Believing you’re not as competent as others and doubting yourself and your abilities are things many business owners struggle with. But if you let those doubts and beliefs hold you back, you’re doing yourself, your business and your clients a disservice.

But if you want to overcome imposter syndrome, it’s something you can’t beat yourself up over. If you do, you’ll only make it worse. Instead, here are some tips you can use to help gently move forward from it.

Talk it through

This is where it’s great to have an accountability buddy, coach or mentor on your team. If this isn’t an option for you, pick a trusted friend – but make sure it’s someone who will listen without judgement and not make you feel worse than you already do!

Bottling up your feelings is something that helps imposter syndrome thrive, so shine a light on it instead. Say out loud ‘I feel like a fraud’ and share your reasons why with the person you’re confiding in. Get it all out of your system and into the light – you’ll feel a lot better for it. And often, you’ll surprise yourself with the resulting insights you have.

Get clear on the facts

Understand the facts around your beliefs. For example, you may not feel qualified to talk about a topic, but know you have vast experience in the subject. So ask yourself the following to help clarify the facts of the matter:

  • Who specifically, is saying you’re the imposter and how much authority do you give to this person?
  • What experience and/or qualifications do you have in the area you feel like an imposter in? And do you even need either to talk about it?
  • Why are you qualified to talk about the subject?
  • Do you associate a feeling to it? And if so, where do you feel it?
  • What is the self-talk currently going on in your head and do you have evidence that it’s right? (Don’t go looking for evidence, but can you counteract it with the facts you’ve already accumulated?)

Remind yourself of what you can do and say to help others – not what you feel you should do or should know.

“I still have a little impostor syndrome… It doesn’t go away, that feeling that you shouldn’t take me that seriously. What do I know? I share that with you because we all have doubts in our abilities, about our power and what that power is.”

Michelle Obama

Highlight your positives

Make a list of all your positives – traits, experiences, qualifications etc – so you can refer back to it when needed. Include your life experiences and examples of how you overcame obstacles, testimonials from previous clients, compliments you’ve received from others. Basically, anything that you can refer back to when you need to boost your confidence and remind yourself of how good you are.

Focus on providing value

You don’t have to know it all, to provide value to others. You just need to be one step ahead of them. Focus on your clients, what they need and how you can provide them with the value to help them solve their problems and move themselves forward.

Change your self-talk

Look into using mantras so you can reprogram your thoughts and believe in yourself and your abilities more. These need to be realistic and believable for you now, otherwise, you won’t believe what you’re saying, so pick ones like:

  • I just need to be one step ahead of my clients
  • I’m stepping into my power
  • I believe I can help my clients in this area
  • I am choosing to believe in myself and my abilities
  • I am choosing to share my knowledge with those people I can help

Imposter syndrome is something many business owners struggle with, but it doesn’t have to hold you back. By using the tips above you’ll be able to gently move yourself forward from it and start believing in yourself more – so you can trust in yourself and your abilities.

10 Ways to Improve Your Confidence

woman with smiley mouth

Confidence is something we all want to have by the bucket load. But often, we find ourselves struggling to believe in our abilities and as a result, hold ourselves back from reaching our goals. It’s easy to look at others and be a little envious about how much confidence they have because confidence is something you either have or you don’t, right?

Well, no! Confidence is something you can improve if you want to. It is something you can have by the bucket load if you like – it starts by making the decision to change it. And to help you implement that decision, here are 10 ways you can improve your confidence, starting today!

#1: Be nice to yourself

There are so many different ways you can be nice to yourself, but sadly, we often do the opposite. So if you want to improve your confidence, start by talking and thinking nicer things about yourself. When you find yourself doing the opposite, simply stop mid-thought or sentence and consciously rephrase it for something nicer.

#2: Stop comparing yourself to others

This is a biggie for many business owners. It’s easy to look online and see so many people further ahead than you. But you don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes. You don’t know how they feel about themselves or how many people they have helping them out. So stop comparing yourself to others and instead, stay focused on your own lane.

#3: Surround yourself with positive people

The people around you will often reflect back to you, how you feel about yourself. For now, simply notice if that’s a good or bad thing, and then make adjustments as needed. If you want to boost your confidence and your mood, ensure you’re surrounding yourself with people who are happy, positive and nice.

#4: Visualise who you want to be

Visualisation is a powerful tool when it comes to improving your confidence so use it often. Visualise how you want to be and how you’ll look and act, once you’re confident. Feel it and spread those feelings around your body, so you can really experience them. See how you act when you’re confident too. You then start to implement those feelings and actions, in reality.

keys and heart picture

#5: Do one small thing every day that’s outside of your comfort zone

When it comes to improving your confidence, make it as simple as possible by implementing small changes. What small step can you take today, to start improving how you feel? What step can you take out of your comfort zone, to start improving your confidence?

#6: Pick affirmations that work for you

Affirmations can really help you feel more confident, but only if you pick the right ones. Pick affirmations that feel a little stretch out of your normal, but not too far that you don’t believe them. Opt for things like ‘I choose to improve my confidence, one little action at a time’ or ‘I am willing to believe I’m on my way to being a more confident person’.

#7: Change that self-talk

Watch what you’re saying to yourself – it’s the biggest change you can make to improve your confidence! Notice it, stop it and change it.

“It is confidence in our bodies, minds, and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures.”

Oprah Winfrey

#8: Watch how you talk about yourself

Watch what you’re saying to yourself – it’s the biggest change you can make to improve your confidence! Notice it, stop it and change it.

#9: Get knowledgeable

Knowledge is power, and that’s no different when it comes to your confidence. Know what makes you feel confident, get clear on what situations and thoughts don’t, and educate yourself on confidence generally. Follow people online who have confidence, read up on how to work on yours and get knowledgeable on what you need to do, to change it.

#10: Smile more!

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of a smile. If you’re not feeling confident, smile and see how it affects your mood. When you walk into a room and don’t feel confident, take a deep breath and smile. If you want to take it a step further, make eye contact with someone and then smile!

Confidence is something we all want to have by the bucket load, but it doesn’t always come easily or naturally. By following the ten tips above, you’ll be on your way to improving your confidence and moving towards a much more confident you.

If you would like to improve your confidence or work on any of the other blocks you put in the way of YOUR business success, then the Catalyst For Change 6-week course can help you remove blocks, gain clarity on your business vision and will point you in the way of business success. More information here.