Inside a VIP Coaching Day – Focused support for your business growth

Julia Ngapo Business Coaching - woman holding arms at shoulder height to form square, mimicking focus Inside a VIP Coaching Day - Focused support for your business growth

Today, I want to take you inside my Business Breakthrough Day; my VIP coaching day, aimed at helping you grow your business, maximise the benefits that coaching can bring, whilst minimising the time needed to gain clarity, direction, and focus and start seeing results.

What is a VIP Coaching Day?

Quite simply, it is a day dedicated entirely to you, and the challenges you are facing in your business. There is no agenda, no template, the format of the day is defined by you. Typically, we meet away from your office. Recently, I have met clients at Monks Yard Business Centre, at Yeovil Innovation Centre, and at The Castle Hotel, Taunton. We have an initial discussion around the challenges you are experiencing and then I will support you in discovering the best solution. A quick bite at lunchtime is included in the cost, and we normally conclude at around 3.30 pm.

Why chose a full VIP Coaching Day, rather than session?

Some clients are impatient to get the ball rolling and implement the changes that coaching can bring. Others prefer the time away from their organisation that a dedicated coaching day offers, meaning they can focus on the coaching, minus the distractions of daily business life. Some coachees value the “quick intervention” nature of a dedicated coaching day, whilst others follow up an initial coaching day with, for example, monthly 1:1 coaching sessions to ensure accountability and that they stay on track.

A VIP Coaching Day is suitable for you if you’re just starting out and want to eliminate many of the obstacles in the way of starting your own business, if you’re looking to scale your business, or even, if you’re employed and looking to work on mindset, or blocks in the way of your success, or to improve your own performance, perhaps ready for your first leadership or management role.

So, why should you invest in a coaching day and how will it benefit you and your business? Below are some questions I asked of two recent coachees, both of whom have benefitted from a Business Breakthrough Coaching Day with me. (Names have been changed, but the participants are real!)

Small Business Sarah

Sarah is a sole trader, running a small B2C business, offering garden design services to homeowners. She wanted to scale her business, by growing a small team of ground workers, and to create a strategy to achieve that. In addition, she wanted to explore creating a passive income to, quite literally, “weatherproof” her income.

Why did you decide on a VIP Coaching Day, rather than longer-term coaching?

You’d think that I would be patient, given that my job involves planting and nurturing growth over seasons, but I knew I wanted to get clear on my future vision and get plans in place to avoid the fluctuation in business that bad weather can bring. I know that a coaching day would take me away from the business for a day, and I’m usually quite reticent in doing that, but I knew I could achieve more by investing a chunk of time, rather than time each week. It also fitted better into my diary, as time can be difficult to arrange week on week when I would much rather be outdoors tending a customer’s garden!

What did you find beneficial about the VIP Coaching Day?

To be honest, I don’t get much time to focus on my business and to develop a strategy. Outside of business, I’m a mum of three, and so dedicated focus time can be hard to find. This day with you allowed me to drop the kids at school, and then a whole day to focus on my business and my future plans. It felt like a real luxury, and I feel like I made so much more progress in just one day, than I would have in weeks of coaching.

What has been the impact on you and your business after the Coaching Day?

Through the coaching on the day, I was able to see the gaps in my business, and from there create a “love to have” job spec. which I have since used as the basis for my recruitment process. I now have two team members; one doing all the admin, meaning invoices are finally going out on time, and being paid on time, too, and one gardener, which has been a game-changer. Because of their geographical location, I am now able to offer design services to a much larger area. This is the first step to creating my “dream team”

My “admin. lady” has meant that I am able to spend more time with my children, without worrying that I have office work to do, and I actually have some free time – I don’t know myself! I hadn’t previously considered expanding my team to include office support, but the coaching allowed me to see that my time is better spent doing what I love, earning an income and working on expanding my services and my team, so it’s an extra step, but I have a clear idea now of the advantages of it.

Mid-Business Mark

Mark is a B2B supplier of office equipment. He has one office, supported by his team, comprising administrative staff, warehouse and dispatch staff and regional home-based managers. As business has increased in the past two years, he is looking for ways to efficiently scale, whilst pursuing his plan of retiring within the next 10 years.

Why did you decide on a VIP Coaching Day, rather than longer-term coaching?

I have had some coaching previously, and found it useful, but to be honest, I found it difficult to take full advantage of it. Life got in the way, and I often found myself distracted, fire-fighting whatever was happening in the business, rather than being able to dedicate the time to coaching activity. I enjoyed the VIP Coaching Day, and, as mentioned, am now planning a quarterly “away-day” for reflection.

The time away from my role was really beneficial. As I said to you, I have an “open-door” policy at work, which is great for employees, but a distraction for me when I need to get my head down. The technique you taught me that allows me to maintain communication with staff, whilst ring-fencing my time has worked well. I wouldn’t have thought of it, so thank you.

What did you find beneficial about the VIP Coaching Day?

I know that my longer-term plan is to retire, but I was unsure what that meant on a practical level. You were able to help me identify the options open to me and to look at the best course of action for now, whilst building in regular reviews as I get nearer my deadline date.

Through the gap analysis work we did, I was able to clearly see weaknesses in not only my processes, but also in how I was using my team. I was initially quite resistant to delegating more, but after the work we did, I saw a clear pathway that would allow a member of staff to take on management of some of my role, freeing up my time to focus on the areas that we had identified as needing my attention, particularly around business development.

That space to fully focus on a strategy was invaluable. I realised as we worked through everything that, although I thought I was clear on how to best grow my business, it was all a bit “wooly.” The time we spent together allowed me to identify key steps that I need to action.

What has been the impact on you and your business after the Coaching Day?

I’m not sure my ego can take it, but I’ve realised that I can take time out from my business, without any major catastrophe occurring! I have created a much more effective “chain of command” within the organisation and have some key tools that I can use to optimise performance of key staff members. I can see where the weaker areas are, and we have now started creating processes to improve these.

I have clearly defined goals, and specific KPIs to measure success against. This has been beneficial not only for me but in communicating the future vision of (the company) to my team. We are now more cohesive in the way we work.

If you would like to spend a full day away from the distractions of working IN your business and, instead, focus on working ON your business, for example, clarifying your goals, creating your vision, improving team performance, or identifying weaknesses, then you can find more details here. Still have a question? Contact me for a no-obligation chat.

What’s Your Plan? – How to Write a Business Strategy in 7 Clear Steps

Julia Ngapo Business Coaching - How to write a business strategy White cloud against blue background with yellow ladder reaching to cloud

What’s your business vision?

You may have spent time envisioning where you want your business to be and how you want it to look in 3, 5, or even 10 years’ time. You may have an idea of how and when you want to scale, or you may have your exit in mind and an idea of how and when that will happen.

That future vision is all well and good in itself, but have you translated it to and aligned it with a strategic plan of action? The clear action steps that will take you from point A, where you are now, to realising that vision in the future and at the prescribed time?

I’ve worked with many business owners and helped them define their business vision. I have also supported them as they navigate how to write a business strategy that will work for them and their business. If this is something that you are currently grappling with, then here are my 7 steps to a clear, actionable strategy for your business.

How to write a business strategy – 7 steps to Clarity

Clarify your vision. This is your snapshot of the future. Your ideation of what your business will look like at specific points in the future. In order to create this vision, it’s important to take a step backward and identify the business “story so far” – what has been working in your business, what hasn’t, what you enjoy doing and what you don’t and look at turnover as a whole, as well as for each individual segment of your business.

With this information, you can then detail your aspirations for your future business, aligning it to your values and, importantly, your passion or “why” – the reason for starting your business in the first place. Your vision will articulate exactly what success looks like to you in terms of what you do, who you serve, and how you serve them. If you would like help in clarifying your vision, download my FREE Business Vision Workbook by clicking here

Define Your USP. What is it that makes your business unique and sets it apart from your competitors? Many business owners make the mistake of believing this has to be financially defined, but your competitive advantage could equally be around your excellent customer experience, your dispatch times, or your no-quibble guarantee. At the heart of this is identifying how your business can offer unique value to your target audience.

Clarify Your Targeting. This underpins your whole marketing activity, which in turn informs your sales strategy. Firstly, identify any niche and/or specialism. Secondly, identify clearly who you are selling to, and lastly identify what resources you have and how they are to be deployed to maximum effect.

Set Your Priorities for Growth. A vague idea that you want to scale a business without a clear idea of the areas that are ripe for growth is short-sighted and counterproductive. Instead, identify the areas or segments of the business which are crying out for investment, whether through tech, human resources, or equipment and focus on creating actionable steps to grow in those areas. Remember that all steps need to be SMART, specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, particularly around the results that you expect to receive and in what time frame.

Look Around the Bend. Many business owners who want to know how to write a business strategy focus on the next quarter only. Although it’s impossible to create a contingency for everything that might happen in your business, it’s important, strategically, to create a long-term view, which remains flexible enough to contend with anything that business life throws at it. Similarly, it’s important to regularly review your plan to check that you and it are still aligned. Your strategy should never be a “one-time effort, then forget about it” exercise.

Create a Gap Analysis. Whilst it is important to understand your competitive advantage, it’s also imperative that you identify any weaknesses in your business. A simple SWOT analysis can help to identify any weaknesses and threats and help you to formulate how to mitigate these. Companies that are able to identify any external threats are most able to adapt and keep ahead of the market.

Encourage E.Q as well as I.Q. To be truly effective, it’s important that you embrace inclusivity and promote a feeling of transparency within the company. Gone are the days when leaders’ and managers’ value was based solely on their IQ. The modern world requires an equal measure of emotional intelligence, particularly around the traditionally feminine energies of compassion, intuition, and nurturing. (Read more about the advantages of bringing your feminine energies to the fore in business here) Your strategy should therefore detail how you intend to demonstrate inclusivity and attract the “right” people to your organisation.

How to write a business strategy – In Conclusion.

Your business strategy underpins every action within your business and should be the basis to inform how, when, and why you scale your business.

Having said that, it needn’t be complicated. It’s important to create a “living” document; something that will flex with the times and with each new challenge that you and your business face.

If you would like support in clarifying your business vision, in effective steps to scale your business, or a wing-woman to support you, then get in touch.
I offer 1:1 coaching sessions, but if you’re impatient to get your business strategy done and dusted so you can implement it straight away, then why not book a VIP Business Breakthrough Day?

This is an intensive full-day programme of small business coaching to empower you with the tools, actionable strategies, and mindset you need for business success. We will look at your business vision, explore how to write a business strategy that fits your business, your values, and your future plans, and identify the actionable steps to create momentum, gain focus and propel your business forward. If you would like more information regarding any of my services, book a call here.