Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, of course! I work with clients based all over New Zealand and further afield, either face-to-face or virtually.

This is quite a big topic, and hopefully I will get around to writing a blog about it soon! But, although many think the two titles are interchangeable, there are distinct differences between the two roles.

Briefly, coaching is non-directive. This means that, rather than “telling you what to do”, I help you to address the challenges you are facing by asking questions aimed at raising your own awareness and at helping you discover the answers within yourself. This is effective as I work with your own map of reality.  Each coaching session is guided by the specific goals that you decide you want to work towards. Sometimes you may have a specific goal in mind, or it may be that we will explore these as part of our initial sessions together.

Mentoring, on the other hand, is “directive” and can involve me sharing my experience or expertise with you to accelerate your business growth and success. I offer this through my consultancy services.

As a business and executive coach and mentor, I offer both coaching and mentoring to give my clients the most effective support and guidance in achieving their goals, and in providing excellent return on investment.

We will get together, either virtually or in-person either monthly, fortnightly or weekly, depending upon the level of support that you choose.

During our first session, I will ask many questions of you – this is so I can hear in your own words all about you and your business journey.  I will be making notes throughout our session, and you are able to have a copy of those notes provided to you, if you wish. Once I have a better understanding of you and the reasons for seeking a business coach, we will work together to agree an “agenda”; the way we’ll proceed in future sessions.  After each session, typically 60-90 minutes each, we will agree the steps for you to action before our next meeting. I may give you some “homework” to do before the next meeting, too.  At subsequent meetings, we will spend some time reviewing progress before moving on. 

It may be that in between our sessions, something crops up that you would like to deal with.  

Throughout our working together, you have  email/message access to me during office hours if you need some additional support or have a “wobble” (technical term!)

This will depend on the coaching package that you choose. I will discuss this with you during our initial call. 
Payment plans are often available – ask me for further details.

I work with female business owners and leaders who have a heart-led purpose for their business. However, not everyone who comes to me is ready for coaching. For us to work together effectively, I expect you to have a certain level of commitment to your growth. If you’re not ready or not prepared to put in the work, then I may  respectfully suggest that you pursue coaching again when you are ready to move forward. 

Quite simply, you don’t! It’s so important that you feel a connection with the person to whom you look for support. Equally, I only work with people that I feel are “right” for me. That’s why I offer a discovery call, so that we can chat and see if we feel we would work well together.

The best way of discovering this is to book a Discovery Call with me. We can explore your requirements and I can advise on what I believe is the best option.

Whereas all business coaches will support you in your business, I encompass energy work into my coaching, allowing me to not only work with you the business owner, but also you, the individual. This truly “holistic” approach means that we can not only work on your business, but on ensuring you are strong, resilient, and ready to succeed.

Subject to the terms of individual packages, I require one months’ notice of termination in writing.

Firstly, ensure you are in an environment where you can talk freely. Make sure to block out time in your calendar to complete the necessary work.  After our sessions, keep a list of questions for our next call. Lastly, at the end of each session, we will agree our focus for the next session. If something crops up that you would like to address instead of the agreed topic, make sure to drop me an email so I can fully prepare.

Follow the link to contact me and let me know your questions.