How to Raise Your Energy When Feeling Deflated

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How to Raise Your Energy When Feeling Deflated

Working for yourself is never something that will continually feel great and it isn’t a journey that travels in a straight line. There will be times when you feel your energy dop and you end up feeling deflated – and that’s ok. In fact, it’s perfectly normal! However, if you want to move forward and feel better, you need to be able to raise your energy when you’re feeling deflated. This will help you open up to the possibilities around you, boost your confidence and motivate you to move forward.

But how exactly can you raise your energy when you’re feeling deflated?

There are things you can do to naturally raise your energy and your mood, so you can turn the situation around and be back, firing on all cylinders. Here’s a quick rundown of your options.

Visualise what you want

Visualisation is a powerful tool available to everyone. The key to doing it well is to really get behind what you’re visualising. Incorporate your other senses, really step into your vision and get excited about it. Then write down what you see, so you can remember it for next time – because if you want to benefit from visualisation, you need to do it often.

“Trust your journey, trust the process, raise your energy and the right people will come into your life”.

Steven Aitchison

Choose your words carefully

When you’re feeling deflated it’s easy to use terminology that keeps you there. Statements of fact, such as ‘I’m demotivated’, ‘I’m tired’ and ‘I’m fed up’ are ok to express how you’re currently feeling, but they’re not going to help you raise that energy again. Instead, look to change the statements to ‘I’m choosing to feel…’ and see how that shifts how you’re feeling. Your words are powerful, so pay attention to how they’re affecting your energy and your mood.

Take yourself up the emotional scale

The emotional scale is a range of emotional states we experience, from negative to positive. Originally brought to us by Esther and Jerry Hicks during their teachings through ‘Abraham-Hicks’, it helps you see where you currently are emotionally, and what feelings can help you move your emotions and energies up to a more positive level. Gabrielle Bernstein explains how to use it beautifully, in her book and this article.

Have a timeout

If you’re feeling deflated and low on energy, you may just need to walk away from what you’re doing for a while. Switch your focus onto something else, start a new project or task and give yourself a timeout from the source of those deflated feelings.

Go outside

Nature has a wonderful way of helping us put things in perspective. Going outside and standing with our feet on the ground can help us reconnect with ourselves, ground our energy and get recentred. It’s a great way to energise yourself too, especially when you take the time to focus on the natural world around you.

Journal your thoughts and feelings

Sometimes, you just need to get those thoughts and feelings out of your mind and onto paper. The physical act of writing them down can help you come up with solutions that will help turn them around. It’s also a great way to get clear on what you’re feeling, because sometimes we can feel deflated and low on energy, with no idea why.

Get enough sleep

Finally, ensure you’re always adequately resting your body. Sleep is a crucial part of your self-care regime and if you’re not getting enough of it, you can feel deflated and low in energy. Don’t be afraid to go and have an afternoon nap if you need it, it could be just what you need, to feel motivated and energised again!

Working for yourself is never something that will continually feel great and it isn’t a journey that travels in a straight line. There will be times when you feel your energy dop and you end up feeling deflated – but if you use the tips above, you’ll be able to turn it around, whenever you’re ready.

Catalyst for Change is my 6-week course which will help you understand your values, your vision , and the issues you need to focus on to gain business momentum.  You’ll identify any blocks that are holding you back and learn techniques to help you banish them for good!  You’ll come away at the end of the 6 weeks with more balance, more clarity and ready to take action. You can find more information here

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